The work of the trust is funded entirely by donations and fundraising - any amount however small is always much appreciated. All funds received are used in Guernsey to support parents who have experienced the loss of a baby at any stage and to work towards improving the care of mothers and babies.
Donations can be sent by cheque made payable to The Ivy Trust and sent c/o Shelley Samson, L'Hermitage, Monterey, Valnord Hill, St Peter Port, GY1 1HZ. We can provide bank details should you wish to make an online transfer.
We can also accept donations though which is administered by the Association of Guernsey Charities. To make a donation please click the button in the banner above, or visit our page on and select The Ivy Trust from the donate page. Should you wish to set up a monthly standing order to support our work then please contact us for details.