Personal support for parents
If you have found yourself reading this information because your baby has died, whether this was recently or sometime ago please know that we are deeply sorry for your loss and send our heartfelt sympathy to you and your family.

When a baby dies you may feel overwhelmed with grief, isolation and a range of emotions that come and go unpredictably. We want you to know that you are not alone. We are here for you as long as you need on this painful journey.

We offer confidential befriending support and practical support to families. Helping you to cope with how you are feeling and being able to share and talk about your baby with another bereaved parent.

If you feel you may benefit from bereavement counselling or therapeutic support we can provide information, resources and other organisations who can help you both on and off island.

It is important to remember that when a baby dies there is no right or wrong way to grieve. The grief journey for each parent is different and they will need different areas of support. Family and friends too can benefit from support and guidance as they will also journey in their own way alongside bereaved parents while helping then to cope with their loss.

We hope that we can provide support and guidance to help you through these difficult times.
Personal support for parents