Professional educational support
Although all midwives and other professionals receive continual training the Head of Midwifery Services identified some opportunities to provide interactive training across the whole spectrum of individuals involved with the care of mothers and babies.
The trustees were delighted to be able to obtain specific donations to cover two Baby Lifeline courses which were attended by a wide range of professionals including specialists, midwives, GP’s, administration support staff, health visitors, A & E nurses and emergency services personnel.
We also funded a Baby Lifeline Train the Trainers Course which has enabled important elements of cross department training to take place in Guernsey making this more easily available to an increased number of attendees.
We have paid for midwives to attend various MMBRACE events in the UK where knowledge gained from baby loss over a number of years has been made available.
We continue to work closely with the Head of Midwifery to identify enhanced learning for those involved in the care of mothers and babies at any stage. We are committed to supporting opportunities focused on improving the outcomes for all deliveries and also those that enable the best possible care for parents who are faced with the most difficult of situations.